Thursday, October 18, 2018

Mack Comes To School

We had a special guest today.. Mr Mack Templeton! (and his mum)

Mrs Templeton brought in Mack so that we could finally meet him. What a cute baby! He's now 5 months old and looking more and more like his big brother Beau. We had a fun morning passing him around, Mack loved the attention and was super chilled.


  1. Awww. How cute he is and what a lovely surprise seeing Mrs Templeton back at school. I love how we all stop for cuddles whenever a baby is brought in to Te Ara Takitini.

  2. CUTENESS OVERLOAD, Mack is so cute. He is a quite baby and that's part of the reason he's cute. What day did he come in I forgot? How old is he? When's he coming back? Awww he's just so cute. I like the photo of Miss Howland and Mack. Anyway I have to go work. Bye for now
